Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Here and There

Yes, I knew that trying to post at least once a week would be difficult. Nevertheless, I will keep trying. I have noticed that my desire to post is directly correlated to my stress level - the higher the stress, the less likely that I will post. Hence....I'm feeling a little less stressed right now.

I just got back last evening from a short visit to Calgary to attend the blessing of Melinda and Michael's new baby, Claire. When I left AZ, the temp was around 85. When I got to Calgary, it was 1 degree. Keep in mind that there is a change from Fahrenheit to Celsius. Still, quite the swing in temp. And it snowed Saturday night, but it was beautiful - big, fluffy flakes that stacked up on the smallest branch. Life does not stop for a little snow in Calgary. I always enjoy visiting with the family, and an added bonus was that Kerri and Luke were there, too. By the time they left, Luke would actually look me in the face. I also feel that I made progress with Erik, Lara and Sean's little boy. He does not really speak to anyone, choosing instead to communicate by growling like a lion, a sweet, gentle little lion. If you growl back, he seems pleased that you are actually acknowledging him. He did approach me a few times and I picked him up and chatted about whatever, anything to keep his attention and let him know that I'm someone he can trust. When Sean and Lara were leaving on Saturday evening, I became aware that Erik was kind of sing-talking in the background, not really to anyone in particular, just out loud. As I listened, I realized that he was singing "good-bye, Judy - good-bye, Judy"! What? He said my name. I am a real person as far as Erik is concerned.

I hope this doesn't sound like some kind of social experiment, because it wasn't. But anyone who has been around Erik knows that it is a gift for him to acknowledge and actually enjoy your presence. Right?

So the actual reason for the trip was the Baby Blessing. I will post more on that when I attempt to also post some pictures! I know, don't faint!


Lara said...

You are part of a select few with whom Erik will interact. One of the chosen. He's a good judge of character.

Lara said...

Wow the blog looks good. How did you do that?