Wednesday, January 9, 2008

All Alone

Mom left us - again. She went to Dallas on Monday to visit with the Mary's and the Ed's. She will be gone for 2 weeks. There are many things we will miss while she is gone:

1. Daily crossword puzzles in various stages of completion set here or there until she can get back to finish (always with a pen clipped to the folded newpaper section).

2. Mail delivery. Yes, the mailman brings the mail to our box, but we have one of those community boxes and Mom has always gone to get the mail. We have the key, but we aren't sure which box is ours. Sarah might have to show us - or maybe Zack knows. I just hope there aren't any bills!

3. Dry cleaning service. There is a magical thing that happens in our house. If you have something that needs cleaning, you put it on the ottoman at night. The next morning, it's gone, and by the time you get home from work, it will be hanging on the hall tree in plastic - all clean. It's kind of like the cobbler's shoes, only it's dry cleaning and we are pretty sure that it's mom doing it.

4. All the lights are on. Mom is the only one in our house who knows how to turn off the lights, and she demonstrates it all the time - sometimes while you are still in the room reading.

5. BYU Channel. I tease Mom that this is the "only true" TV channel. Only problem? They never have any original programming. I'm not interested in 15 year old football or volleyball games. Actually, neither is Mom, but she does like to listen to devotionals and the like. Reminds me of when I was about 11 or 12 and we would only get one session of Gen'l Conference on Sunday morning. She would turn on the little TV in my room and tell me to wake up. I promised to. I always heard the opening song and prayer and the closing song and prayer. I think she is still trying to make sure that at some point each day we are exposed to something good.

6. Solitaire. Mom quite frequently uses the computer to work on classes for the Family History Center. But part of every lesson (usually the last part) is a game or two of solitaire. She is very good with the mouse.

7. Leftovers. We always have leftovers in the fridge because Mom always says she is going to eat them. While she is gone, we are going to give them as an offering to the "leftover god". We will, however, wait a respectable amount of time to make sure there is no chance of reprieve.

8. Dishes. While Becky and I are quite capable of loading and unloading the dishwasher, it seems that doing so brings great joy to our mother. So we try to give her ample opportunity to refine her kitchen cleaning skills. She is very good at the dish thing.

9. Phone calls. Everyone leaves the house in the morning before I get up. Maybe twice a month, the phone will ring at about 7:30. I always answer it because I think it might be Mom, and I'm right. She will ask me to make sure that she unplugged her curling iron, then tell me to have a good day, and I tell her to, too. She has never forgotten to unplug her curling iron, by the way. But I appreciate the phone calls and the chance to say good morning to her.

10. Saying good night. Sometimes Mom sneaks into her room and goes to sleep without announcing it. But most of the time as we all make our departures to our room, we have the opportunity to close the day with a "good night" to each other. I hope someone will wish her a good night while she is gone.

These are just a few things that we have to do without while Mom is gone. My niece, Sarah, says that Becky and I are "mama's girls". I accept that. We will try to be brave.


Lara said...

I like how all your recent blog posts come in the form of lists. It must be a Corbett thing, my Mom loves lists. Hey at least you are blogging. Oh I received your check. You sent me too much, the exchange rate is not that bad.

Melinda Palmer said...

I like the new posting resolution. It's nice to know that I can and should check back often and I will find something new!

Sarah W. said...

Hey Judy,

I haven't received my check yet. It is fun to check your blog and see new posts. Yay for remembering your password.

Poppa and Grandma Netty said...

Well, Judy some of those things on Mom's list brought tears to my eyes. First, because mom and I were housemates for a long time and I can "see" what you are talking about. Second, because I am glad she has someone to do those things for and she has you guys for company. I need to check in with my mom more! Loneliness is an ugly reality.