Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Medical Check-up

We are mostly healthy now. A couple of weeks ago Becky developed a gut pain that would not go away. She stayed home from work, thinking she might need to go to the emergency room. I had a commitment in north Phoenix, so I took her to the ER, but I could not stay. It was weird to just drop her off "bye" and then then leave. Mom was able to get over there by mid-morning. After a few tests and scans, it was determined that she had an obstruction and she was transferred to the hospital in Phoenix to see her surgeon. How many people do you know that have a surgeon? Well, Becky does. He said she had...well, I don't really understand what the issue was, but they went in laproscopically (sp?) and repaired it. By 8:00 that night she was out of recovery and sleeping like a drugged up baby. The sore throat that she felt coming on a few days prior was a distant memory. This all happened on a Wednesday. She came home on Friday and recovered the following week. Yesterday the doctor released her to return to work, but she has a restriction - she cannot lift anything over 20lbs for a month. I guess she'll have to postpone her clean & jerk training until late March. And we'll only buy 10lbs of potatoes at a time. My mom is concerned because all of her kids have been in the ER and/or hospital within the last 8 months. She, however, has been healthly. We decided that it might be our Taylor genes. Becky and I were wondering if we are all hypochondriacs, but each time there has been a legitimate malady. Becky wins the prize, though. She's been in twice. Becky had a surgery in June. Zack went in October - kidney stone. I went the end of October - kidney cyst. Jeff was in for MRSA - look it up. Jennifer - dislocated hip. Mom is getting a reputation at the Family History Center for the least healthy children: "I need to leave. My daughter is in the hospital." "I need to leave. My other daughter is in the hospital." "I won't be in. My son is in the hospital." " I need to leave. My other daughter is in the hospital. No, the other one." Fact of the matter is that we don't really get "sick", we have just had some weird issues. But for the moment, everything is good...knock on wood!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Becky is feeling better. Boy when it rains it pours. Glad to see you are blogging more!